

The Analytics section provides an overview of key data about your website's performance. Here, you can monitor various statistics related to your products, sales, and user engagement.

Total Products

This figure represents the total number of products that have been published in your Sanity Studio database. Draft products are not included in this calculation. This gives you a quick snapshot of how many products are actively available for purchase on your website.

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Total Sold Products

The total sold products reflect the number of products that have been sold through your website. This value is calculated using a hidden count field within the product collection. Each time an order is submitted, the value of this field increases based on the quantity of the product ordered. This provides you with an accurate and real-time update on your sales performance. If a product is deleted or unpublished, it will affect this calculation.

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Most Viewed Products This section lists the top 10 products with the

highest number of views. Every time a user visits a product page, a view is recorded in the database. This helps you track which products are attracting the most attention from your visitors. For performance reasons, the number of items in this list is limited to 10.

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Most Selling Products

The most sold products are displayed in this section, showing the top 10 products that have generated the highest sales. This list is determined using the same logic as the total sold products count. This allows you to quickly identify your top-performing items.

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Daily Visitors (Last 7 Days)

This section tracks the number of unique visitors to your site over the last seven days. Each time a user visits your app, a view is counted. However, a user is only counted once within a 24-hour period. After midnight, this count resets, and a returning visitor is counted again. This data helps you understand your daily traffic trends and monitor how your audience engages with your site.

Image of studio overview