Add Categories
Adding a New Category
To add a new category, follow these steps:
- Click on the Category Collection located in the left-side column of collections.
- Click on the + icon.
By clicking on the icon, a new user interface will appear on the right side, where you can fill in all the required fields and then publish the category.

Name Field
In the Name field, enter the name of the category. The name should be both attractive and concise to effectively capture the attention of potential customers.
The Description field provides a summary or overview of the category. Here, you can list the major products included in this category, helping customers understand what to expect and facilitating their shopping experience.
The Precedence field determines the order in which categories will appear in the app display. A lower precedence number means a higher priority for loading this category in the website display, ensuring that key categories are highlighted for customers.
You can upload an image that will represent this category, enhancing the user interface and providing a visual context for customers. A well-chosen image can help attract attention and convey the essence of the category effectively.