Add Sizes

The Sizes collection has two important fields:

  1. Size: This field is where you write a descriptive phrase for the size. For example, for our dummy product 'earbuds,' we have two sizes: "Small" and "Medium." For the medium size, we used the phrase "Medium - Best for adults" and for the small size, "Small - Best for Teen age". Use a clear description that helps customers understand the fit.

  2. Nomenclature: This field is used to set a short, standardized term for the size. For example, "MD" for medium and "SM" for small. These nomenclatures are displayed on the front end of the app.

Note: The nomenclature is visible to customers and helps streamline size selection.

Adding a New Size

To add a new size:

  1. Navigate to the Sizes collection.
  2. Click on the + icon.
  3. A new interface will appear on the right side.
  4. Fill in the Size field with a descriptive phrase and the Nomenclature field with a short term for the size (e.g., "MD" for medium).
  5. Once both fields are filled, click Publish to save and publish the new size.

Your size will now be available for use in product collection.

Image of studio overview

Attaching a Size to a Product

  1. Go to the Product collection and scroll down to the Sizes field.
  2. Click on the Add Item button.
  3. In the input field, type "small" (or the size you recently added).
  4. The size will appear in the dropdown suggestion list.
  5. Click on the size to attach it to the product.

The size will now be linked to the product and ready for display on the product page.

Image of studio overview